Bayou Town

(228) 586-0479



Where is YOUR Watershed?

Everyone lives in a watershed. Every local watershed is part of a larger watershed. Walk around the ground of your school or neighborhood and try to identify where the water drains. Using a detailed local map (a topographical or raised relief map is ideal), find your location. On the map, try to find the larger bodies of water into which your watershed drains. Do other watersheds drain into your watershed? Can you identify the sources of fresh water in your watershed?

Using a county or state map, follow how your watershed drains until you find the largest body of water into which it drains. How can water from your watershed affect water quality in a much larger area? You may also want to go online to obtain a topographical map of your watershed.

Here are some fun web sites to find your watershed
and learn more about topographical maps:

** Clicking on website links will open a new window. **


Where does your drinking water come from? Does it come from a well, a reservoir, or a natural spring? It is good to know where your water comes from. With the help of your parent or teacher, call your local water company and learn about your water source. With your family, or with your class, you may want to take a field trip to your local water treatment plant to find out how your drinking water is purified for drinking. Then find out if your school or your family uses a water filtration system. There are many different kinds of water filtration systems. Some of them only filter out harmful bacteria where others filter out sand, iron and other minerals and chemicals.

Think About It!

What kinds of changes can you make to help improve your drinking water supply?


Best Management Practices (BMPs) - Practical solutions that keep pollutants from entering water bodies, i.e., planting grass on loose soil to keep it from washing away (eroding) during rainstorms.

Erode - The process where soil is washed away by rain.

Fertilizer - Natural or man-made materials worked into the soil as plant food.

Filtration - The process of purifying water.

Natural Resources - Natural substances we use, i.e., trees, water, soil, oil, etc.

Pollutants - Chemicals or organic wastes that contaminate air, soil, or water.

Polluted Runoff - Stormwater pushing and pulling pollutants along with it.

Purify - To make clean.

Reservoir - A body of water stored in a natural or an artificial lake.

Streamside Buffer - Trees, bushes, and grasses planted alongside a stream to help filter pollutants before entering the water.

Watershed - The area of land that drains into a particular water body.

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